Bristol United Church of Christ     "The Church on the Hill"
Bristol United Church of Christ         "The Church on the Hill"  

News & Events


Ongoing Community Activities

  • Weekly Senior Congregate Luncheons
  • AA Step, AA Discussion Meetings
  • Women/Infant/Children (WIC) Clinics
  • Commodity Supplemental Food Program
  • Bone Builders

Committees and Meeting Times

AA Step:  Monday 7:30 PM 


AA Discussion:  Tuesday 7:00 PM


Bible Study:  7:00 PM Monday

(as scheduled)


Bone Builders:  Wednesday and Friday mornings 9:15 AM to 10:30 AM 


Choir Rehearsal:  9:15 AM Sunday and 4:00 PM Tuesday

(October through May) 


Christian Education:  As scheduled


Commodity Supplemental Food Program:  

3rd Tuesday, odd months only  12:45 PM


Council Meeting:  3rd Wednesday of the month 7:00 PM 


Diaconate:  1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM


Finance Committee:  3rd Thursday of the month 10:00 AM


Missions Meeting:  As scheduled


Morning Reflections:  Wednesday  7:30 AM


PPRC:  As scheduled    


Trustees Meeting:  3rd Tuesday of the month

(or Tuesday preceding Council) 7:00 PM


Joyful Noise Ukulele Band Practice:  Monday 9:30 AM 


WIC (Women & Infants Clinic):  2nd Tuesday of the month 8:30 AM


Women's Fellowship:  2nd Thursday of the month 10:00 AM