Bristol United Church of Christ     "The Church on the Hill"
Bristol United Church of Christ         "The Church on the Hill"  

Our Ministry


Worship Hours - SEPTEMBER through JUNE:


Sunday Worship                     10:00 AM

Intergenerational Worship    10:00 AM   (first Sunday of the month)

Sunday School                         10:00 AM


Worship Hours - JULY & AUGUST:


Intergenerational Worship    9:30 AM   

NO Sunday School     


Public fellowship and mission suppers as scheduled,

September - November, and January - May


We Reach Beyond Ourselves


The United Church of Christ links us with other churches to share work, resources, and ideas.  We support the work we share together through our gifts to Our Church's Wider Mission (  We come together with other UCC churches to share resources through special offerings:


One Great Hour of Sharing

(Worldwide Disaster Relief and Development)


Neighbors in Need

(Relief and Development in the United States)


Strengthen the Church

(Renewal of struggling churches, and new church starts)


The Christmas Fund

(Supplementary support for retired clergy)


The Tapply-Thompson Community Center provides recreational and support activities for families in the Bristol area.  The building they use was a gift to them from the Methodist Church and Bristol United Church of Christ.  We contribute to their operating budget and help provide camperships for participation in the summer camp program. 


Bristol Community Services provides emergency food supplies, household goods, and short-term transportation for individuals in the Bristol area.  We contribute to their operating budget as well as contributing food supplies and help make possible an emergency fuel fund.


Slim Baker Association provides natural appreciation and exploration activities on property held in trust by Bristol United Church of Christ.


Our Building


  • Provides meeting space for 2 different Alcoholics Anonymous groups
  • Provides office and meeting space for Newfound Area Senior



  • Provides the use of Fellowship Hall/Kitchen for weekly Senior Meals
  • Provides the use of Fellowship Hall for Bone Builders exercise program twice weekly
  • Provides meeting space for WIC
  • (Women, Infant and Children health and nutrition)
  • Provides meeting space for Commodity Supplemental Food



     Newfound Area Churches is composed of six churches: Roman     

     Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Community, and United Church of

     Christ who work together to serve the spiritual and human needs of

     the local community. We support each other in our work and worship








Bible Study:  7:00 PM Monday (as scheduled) Room #1


Choir Rehearsal:  9:15 AM Sunday and 4:00 PM Tuesday 


Diaconate:  1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM


Finance Committee:  3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM


Missions Meeting:  As scheduled


Trustees Meeting:  3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM (or the Tuesday preceding Council)


Council Meeting:  3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM


Women's Fellowship:  2nd Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM


Christian Education (CE) meetings are scheduled individually


PPRC (Pastor Parish Relations Committee) meetings are scheduled individually


Joyful Noise Ukulele Band:  9:30 AM Monday